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Classification of Animals

Classification of Animals

Storer and Usinger classified animals into following phylums.

PHYLUM-PROTOZOA : These are unicellular animals,i.e.,made up of only one cell.Example - Amoeba,Paramecium,Euglena.
PHYLUM-PORIFERA : These have porous body.Their skeleton is made up of minute calcareous or silicon spices.Example-Sycon,Sponge,etc.
PHYLUM-COELENTERATA : They have specialized cnidoblast cell to help in catching the food.Example-Hydra,Jelly fish,sea Anemone,etc.
PHYLUM-PLATYHELMINTHES : They have no skeleton,respiratory organ,circulatory system,etc.These are hermaphrodite animal.Example-Planaria,Liver fluke,Tap worm etc.
PHYLUM-ASCHELEMINTHES : These are long cylindrical unsegmented worm.Most form are parasitic but some are free living in soil and water.Example-Ascaris,Thread worm etc.
PHYLUM-ANNELIDA : Their body is long,thin soft and metamerically segmented.Nervous system is normal and blood is red.Example-Earth worm,Nereis,Leech,etc.Earth worms is five pairs of hearts.
PHYLUM-ARTHROPODA : Jointed leg is their main feature.Circulatory system is open type. cockroach's heart has 13 chambers.Examples-Cockroach,Prawn,Crab,Bug,Fly Mosquto,Bees.etc.
PHYLUM-MOLLUSCA : Their body is soft divided into head and Muscular foot,Blood is colourless.Example-Pila,Aplysia,Doris,Octopus,Sepia.
PHYLUM-ECHINODERMATA : All the animals in this group are marine and have a special capacity of regeneration.Example-Star fish,Sea urchin,Sea cucumber.
PHYLUM-CHORDATA : They have notochord ,a dorsal hollow tubular nerve cord and paired pharyngeal gill slits.Some chordates are :-
1.Pisces - These are aquatic animal (cold blooded animal).Respiration takes place through gills.Example-Hippopotamus,Scoliodon,Torpedo etc.
2.Amphibia-These are found both on land and water.all these are cold -blooded.Respiration takes place through gill,skin and lungs.Example-Frog,Toad,Salamander.
3.Reptilia-These are crawling animals.These are cold-blooded and contains two pair of limbs.Their eggs are covered with shell made up of calcium carbonate.Example-Lizard,Snake,Tortoise,Crocodile,Trutle,Sphendom,etc.
4.Aves-The animals of this groupsare warm-blooded tetrapod vertebrates with flight adaptation.Their four feet are modified into wings to fly.Example-Crow,Peacock,Parrot,etc.
5.Mammalia - These are warm-blooded animals.Tooth comes twice in these animal.There is no nucleus in its red blood cells(except in camel and lima)

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